Shine Your Light

This Shine Your Light is personal for me because Dr. Mary S. Harper was my Aunt. She was often whispering words of encouragement and challenges throughout my life. She was a true visionary, teacher, and advocate for the less fortunate.
Mary Harper dedicated her life to improving this country’s health care delivery system for the elderly and served as advisor to four U.S. presidents (Clinton, Reagan, Bush, and Carter) on these matters. In these roles, she consulted with the National Institute of Health (NIH),

Shine Your Light

This Shine Your Light is personal for me because She was my Aunt. She was often whispering words of encouragement and challenges throughout my life. She was a true visionary, teacher, and advocate for the less fortunate.

Dr. Mary Harper dedicated her life to improving this country’s health care delivery system for the elderly and served as advisor to four U.S. presidents (Clinton, Reagan, Bush, and Carter) on these matters. In these roles, she consulted with the National Institute of Health (NIH), the National Mental Health Association, Johnson & Johnson drug manufacturers, and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving, among others. From 1979-1981, during President Carter’s administration, Dr. Harper was the director of the Office of Policy Development and Research for White House Conference on Aging. At this time, she was the first woman to hold this title. She continued to serve as director through Reagan and Bush’s presidencies. When President Clinton came into office, Dr. Harper was instrumental in the development of the Clinton Mental Health and Public Sector Task Force for Health Care Reform. In 1995, she served as a consultant for the White House Conference on Aging.

She was a native of Fort Mitchell, Alabama, Dr. Harper was an internationally recognized expert on issues of aging and mental health. Her seminal studies served as the cornerstone for further research on the needs of the elderly and specifically, the needs of the African-American elderly. She was awarded the surgeon general’s Medal of Honor twice for her tireless work and advocacy. She established research and development centers throughout the country, and over 12,000 professionals have benefited from the fellowship program she founded. Dr. Harper began her career as a student nurse at the Tuskegee Institute. After receiving her B.S. and M.S. in nursing education from the University of Minnesota, she became director of nursing at the Tuskegee VA Hospital. During her long career with the federal government, Dr. Harper worked in hospitals and taught in universities around the country. She received her Ph.D. from St. Louis University and has written four books and over 180 journal articles. Dr. Harper’s tireless efforts with legislation, curriculum development, and federal funding helped establish minimum requirements for quality, long-term health care. Dr. Harper’s leadership and national impact were also recognized in her home state when the Mary Starke Harper Geriatric Psychiatry Center was named in her honor in Tuscaloosa. Dr. Harper remained active with the Advisory Council of the National Institute for Aging and the surgeon general’s Task Force for Mental Health and Aging until she passed. She spearheaded a program for caregivers, under the auspices of the Rosalyn Carter Institute for Human Development, as well.

(Revised from various sources)

If you would like to hear from the woman herself, please check out the link below:

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