About Us

Hello, my beautiful Sisters in Christ! My name is Dr. Tracey Gonzales; I am your Sister in Christ, so I truly understand that God indeed has a plan for each of us, regardless of denominational affiliation. It is with this thought in mind that God placed this desire in my heart to create this community for His Women across the world. Here, we can come together to share and learn from one another. It is my prayer that you can feel the love of God overflowing from me as it burns within me. When I think of what we can accomplish together, I am overjoyed. Oftentimes, we lose ourselves along the way on this Christian journey, but today, we can come to ourselves and know our identities in Christ, together! We can do everything together.


Our Mission

Equip and empower women with the tools as offered by the Word of God to remain pure, holy, and acceptable unto God, worldwide. God has already tipped the scale in our favor, all we have to do is believe it!!

What We Do


Word of God

Delve into the Word of God to expose and emphasize the value of Women

Reinforcement of Prayer

Instill and reinforce the importance of prayer in our everyday lives

Discussion Forum

Provides a forum where we can talk about the real issues and struggles of living a Godly life style that is acceptable unto God

Godly Women

Godly Women who truly understand what the other is experiencing

Spiritual Growth

This site is intended to a forum, a haven of sort for Spiritual growth and afford everyone the opportunity who visits the site the freedom to grab hold of all that God has promised His wonderfully and fearfully made Women by growing daily in our individual and corporate journeys with Christ.

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